Australian Awards Scholarships for Fiji Students
There are scholarship opportunities for Fiji students to study in Australia. One of the scholarships is called the Australian Award Scholarships. These scholarships are administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The Scholarships aim to establish a peaceful, well-governed and prosperous Fiji. Australia Award Scholarships are aligned with Australia’s development assistance in Fiji, targeting human resource gaps in identified priority sectors. They aim to provide awardees with the skills and knowledge to drive change and influence economic and social development. Applicants will be assessed for their professional and personal qualities, academic competence and, most importantly, their potential to impact on development challenges in Fiji. The Australian Government offers awards on the basis of merit, transparency and equal access. We strongly encourage applications from women, people with disability and other marginalised groups. as well as from a broad field of studies. Priority sectors Applications are encouraged from a broad range of priority areas for the development of Fiji: health (not including medicine); education; governance; climate change; environmental studies/science; disability; gender; economic growth; engineering (including water, sanitation and construction, mining, community development/youth development); information technology; legal services; business and accounting; agricultural science; veterinary (including animal science, veterinary science, animal health laboratory technology and management). Level of study Fiji students can apply for the following:
· Complete and certify copies of academic transcripts · Certify copies of educational qualifications, certificates and other relevant educational documents. • professional references • police clearance • medical report • two passport size photos. • Birth certificate * Download applications from the links provided on the right. Closing Dates Application dates for Australia Awards Scholarships Opening every year on the following dates. Opening date (hard copy applications): February annually Closing date (online applications): end of April Annually Closing date (hard copy applications): Mid April annually |
Further information about AusAID’s Australia Awards can be found at: Information about Visas and award entitlements and conditions can be found in the Scholarships Policy Handbook, available at: More general information about the Australia Awards, Australia Aid (DFAT) and studying in Australia and can be found at: |